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Cases Results

Lown beats back false accusations at restraining order hearing in Chelsea District Court

December 02, 2019

Attorney Lown recently prevailed at a restraining order hearing in Chelsea District Court. The plaintiff had accused Lown’s client of serious crimes in order to get the restraining order. But Lown confronted this individual with their own Facebook and Instagram posts, slowly and deliberately going through each one. This evidence and Lown’s cross examination clearly exposed the plaintiff’s falsehoods. The Honorable Judge Fitzpatrick ultimately denied the plaintiff’s request. Lown's client emerged victorious.   

Fifth "Not Guilty" in a row

October 03, 2019

By a Lown Law Firm client and friend:

"I had Zachary Lown as my criminal defense attorney on a domestic case. This was in Boston. Unfortunately, our child’s mother was attempting to have me wrongly convicted of a crime. Attorney Lown summonsed key records such as DCF reports and medical records which helped establish that the other party was lying. Attorney Lown presented the case to a jury. The jury agreed that I was innocent. I am finally able to refocus on my family and employment."

Lown defeats wrongful restraining order in Lynn District Court

September 09, 2019

After an extraordinary hearing that lasted over 4 hours, Attorney Lown prevailed on behalf of his client in the Lynn District Court. The opposing party was attempting to use a restraining order to gain leverage over a divorce proceeding that was being heard in a different court. Attorney Lown exposed the ploy. At the end of the day, Judge Jean Curran denied the restraining order. Lown’s client emerged victorious.

Attorney Lown wins Green Card for young couple

July 18, 2019

The green card processing time on this case was unusually fast. The spouse initially came here to study. She later fell in love with a young man who she met through friends at Grad School in Boston. The spouse was approved for conditional permanent residency in a matter of just five months. (Go to Green Card Through Marriage.)

Suppression victory limits police intrusion

July 02, 2019

Attorney Lown’s motion to suppress win in Boston’s downtown district court underscored an important fact: police officers do not have authority to stop and frisk someone merely because they seem “suspicious.” In this case, Attorney Lown cross-examined four officers at a 4-hour hearing. Ultimately, Judge Cathleen Byrne ruled that the officers crossed a line. She found that the officers lacked sufficient justification to search Lown’s client and that the Constitution demanded that the evidence be suppressed. 

Attorney Lown convinces DA to drop “reckless driving” charge

May 31, 2019

“The police treated my client like a criminal for having gotten into an accident,” Attorney Lown said. Even though the officer did not witness the accident he decided to charge the client with reckless operation of a motor vehicle to endanger lives.  “But the prosecutor was very thoughtful and open to what I had to say,” Lown added, referring to an assistant district attorney in the Chelsea District Court. Ultimately, Attorney Lown prevailed and was able to show the DA that this was an accident, not a crime. The DA agreed to drop the charges.

Attorney Lown wins Clerk Magistrate hearing

February 05, 2019

​The victory was achieved through Attorney Lown’s cross-examination of the accuser and a brief argument to the Clerk Magistrate. The Clerk recognized that the accusations did not hold water and that they actually stemmed from a child custody dispute. This was a family issue, not a criminal matter. The clerk determined not to issue a criminal complaint against Lown’s client. 

Lown wins ‘Not Guilty’ for client in mis-identification case

November 05, 2018

Attorney Lown won a “not guilty” jury verdict for his client who was mis-identified as the man who threatened two women with a gun. A defense expert testified that various factors such as stress lower an identification’s reliability. The jury found reason to doubt the government’s case and they delivered a quick acquittal. More on mis-identification victory. 

Quick Not Guilty Verdict for OUI Client

August 09, 2018

A Dorchester jury deliberated today for barely 10 minutes before coming back "Not Guilty" for Attorney Lown's wrongly-accused OUI client. "The officer tried to change his story to make our client look bad, but we had him on the stand and we had him read out loud to the jury from the transcript of his testimony at a prior hearing. The jury realized that he had previously said something different and was now just trying to bolster his accusations," Lown said. This victory was clearly a huge relief for the client who had put some of his career goals on hold pending the outcome of this case.

Attorney Lown convinces judge to give his client a chance to get his case dismissed

August 16, 2018

A young man who was charged with a criminal offense was understandably concerned that a criminal charge could prevent him from driving for Uber or Lyft.  Attorney Lown convinced the judge to give him a second chance by using a legal mechanism called "pre-trial diversion."  This client had to look for a job during a brief period of supervision.  Once he held up his end of the bargain, his case was dismissed in a such a way that it did not even show up on his criminal record.

Lown wins 'Not Guilty' after Cops harass, then wrongly accuse young man

October 20, 2017

A Boston Police officer chased a young man out of a building where he was visiting his friends, slammed this young man on the ground, handcuffed him, then wrongly accused him of Resisting Arrest and Assault and Battery on a Police Officer.  The officer testified that it was the young man who was out of control.  Attorney Lown exposed the officer for changing his story on several occasions.  The jury returned a verdict of not guilty on all charges.   

Evidence suppressed in drug case after illegal search

January 13, 2017

​Police officers stopped Attorney Lown's client in Dorchester after claiming that he was acting "suspicious" while riding as a passenger in a car.  After Attorney Lown cross-examined three officers, the Honorable Judge Breen in Dorchester agreed that the officers did not have the authority to stop the car and order the client out of the vehicle.  The evidence was suppressed and the case was dismissed.

Attorney Lown wins Not Guilty in DUI trial

April 20, 2016

Attorney Lown won a Not Guilty in a DUI trial after his client was wrongly accused of drunk driving. This client was arrested in Dorchester by a State Trooper at around 3 AM.  Attorney Lown rigorously cross examined the Trooper and exposed his biased perspective.  The jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.  

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Previous victories do not guarantee future success. Each case is unique and must be analyzed on a case by case basis. 

OUI Victory
MTS Drugs Victory
Clerk's Victory
ABPO Victory
Reckless Driving Win

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